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Storci has for some time now been installing the Beltmix: this is the most interesting innovation of the last few years in terms of dough preparation technology. The Beltmix replaces the traditional shaft and blade mixing tank thanks to its pairing with the Premix® pre-mixing unit and a patented slow-moving accumulation conveyor for the dough rest period. This mixing system marks a significant technological step forward for dried, fresh, egg and special ingredient (spinach, tomato, etc.) pasta.
Simone Storci: “This technology improves the result making it possible to obtain better quality pasta with a better colour and offers production management with more efficient product changeover, cleanliness and hygiene. All this with energy savings ranging from ten to thirty times less consumption compared to traditional mixing tanks.
"180 Beltmix systems, 73,000,000 kw/h saved, the equivalent of 44,000 barrels of oil saved - which is like giving away a year's worth of free energy for a whole town with 350,000 inhabitants. The mean savings for a 3000 kg/h line is approximately € 21,000 a year.”
Read more: www.storci.com/pdf/news/storcicom/eng/storcicom7ENG.pdf (italian language)


