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New Delhi

We took part in the International Foodtec exhibition in India, from 21 - 23 September 2017, New Delhi. This year we have presented again our great innovation: instant pasta lines... versatile, customizable, for a product which is always number 1.

Instant pasta represents a healthy alternative to Asian noodles: ready in just a few minutes, it means you can enjoy a complete meal anywhere: at home, in the office, on holiday! Our staff was only too happy to give you all the technical and sales information on our huge range of systems: dry pasta, fresh pasta, couscous, gluten-free pasta and ready-meals!

Fabian Balestrazzi, Sales Department Storci Spa: "The International Trade Fair Foodtec was a great success for us, especially for a growing market like the indian one. We actually made a lot of contacts, received numerous requests for offers and considerable interest was shown for our new instant pasta lines. We are very pleased about our partecipation and the satisfying result". See you next year!


Stand Storci
Stand Storci
Stand Storci




